All posts filed under: weight loss

I. AM. Feeling. Powerful.

Week 2 of 12  my First Weight Lifting Cycle. 12 Week Goal from Late July  – October 2015 : Get under 150, Gain Muscle. Goals Achieved in 12 Week Cardio Cycle from April – June 2015 : Lost 19 pounds, Cleaned Diet, Increased Self Confidence, Gained Discipline in Fitness and Nutrition I am feeling leaner and even more importantly POWERFUL.  Something in me has changed–my inner fire is stronger and wiser.  I feel such great motivation at this time–perhaps it’s knowing where I began earlier this year weighing in at over 174 plus pounds.  Today I am 156. My body is leaner and definitely stronger….Because I got my weight down, I am no longer obese according to BMI standards!  Yes–accomplishment! This is me at the gym today at 7:45 a.m….I know I get annoyed with people who take gym selfies–but I’m just proud.  My new lifting cycle is structured so I lift 5 times a week, ending with a 15 minute burst of cardio on the stairmaster.  Today I was ambitious and did a 45 minute spinning class at the end …

I’m Baaack!

Hi All!  After what seems like a month vacation, I’m back at ready to begin anew with my training!  My last hard core workout day was Saturday, June 19th–and then I had a week of active rest the week of June 22nd.  Then, I ventured off to the last frontier state of Alaska for two weeks!  Even though, I did not have my workouts at the gym or the indoor cycling studio, I was active by walking, fishing, hiking during my vacation.  Also, I had some awesome sleep too!  I’ve had an incredible time resting and giving my body to actively rest and recuperate from the hard core cardio regiment my body endured since February of this year.  I was doing cardio 6 days a week for 3 to 4 consecutive months. I’m currently at 155.4 pounds–19 pounds down from when I began.  Tomorrow, Monday, July 27th, I start Week 1 of a new workout cycle. Goal: Lose 10 pounds, and increase muscle mass/tone.  That’s it!  So, my workout assigned to me from a well trusted fitness …

Week 19, 20, and 21 Update – Greetings from Alaska!

Greetings from Alaska! I’ve been behind on my weekly updates due to my work travel schedule and now I’m on vacation with my family for two weeks.  I’ve ranged from 156.0 to 157.2 in the last two weeks.  Here in Ketchikan, Alaska (small town with population 8,600), there is no gym, no scale, no fitness buddies, and no nutritionist here.  So, all my tools are in my head. Everything is all me!   I still want to continue healthy diet and a lifestyle despite being away from my normal routine–which is a challenge–especially when you are surrounded by fellow foodies!   So, in this time of being away, I will allow myself to splurge a little bit, but I will not allow myself to completely lose what I have worked for in these last several months.  Now is the time to not be so crazy strict on reaching a numeric goal, but to embrace the present and live life! Healthy things I need to remember: while I’m on a two week vacation: Spiritual – Nature is absolutely gorgeous here!  …

Week 17 Weigh In & #10bloodystones

Week 17—157.0.  1 Dress Size Down. Last Week was 158.4.  Total = 17 pounds since February 2015, It seems I am stuck on 157.  Every day this week, I ate broccolini–so that could have helped me get down this week.  I did enjoy myself some yummy beef enchiladas and a crisp, cool Corona Light Friday night. This week, my biggest takeaways was that 1) I’m noticing that I’m surrounding myself with people who are very positive and who are either living a healthy lifestyle or seeking a healthier lifestyle 2) my time is becoming more precious and I don’t have time to BS anymore and 3) I’m wanting to be more by myself.  Since I used to be a heavily social eater, I noticed that I don’t initiate like I used to.  I’d rather cook and eat at home!  Which takes me to 4) I enjoy eating and cooking at home more than ever!  When I went to lunch with an old neighbor of mine, we were so looking forward to see each other, and even …

Burned Out

The last couple of days I’ve had an emotional dip and I think the energy I put it in my fitness world and professional world have left me depleted.  As you all know I’ve been intense about my workouts–exercising 6 days a week for the last several months.  I have not missed a work out.  There are even days where I’ve done two workouts in a day.  I’m still at 157 –down 17 pounds from 174 several months ago.  I was hoping to get down to 154 this week.  I think that’s part of the burnout.  Every week, I have high expectations not only for myself physically but also professionally.  I am a public speaker as well, and the month or so I have been intensely focused on preparing a relationship series at my church.  I love fitness, and I love my career, but I really need to take a break! And this is all in the midst of balancing my work life as a new therapist in private practice and being a mother to two highly energetic young boys under the …

Week 16 Weigh In Update – Make the Change!

158.4–I’m up for 1 pound this week!  Friday had two meals of a little splurging—chips, a slice of pepperoni pizza, 4 mozzerella sticks, and a chocolate chip cookie! !  No splurges on Saturday or Sunday.  Back to eating more at home.  Now to tighten it up so that Week 17 will be the best week ever! Several people who haven’t seen me in a while noticed my weight loss this weekend–so that feels good!  A friend at church asked about my weight loss, “So, what are you doing—and is it hard?” I responded with a big sigh, “YES!–It’s hard!” I also asked that person, “Are you willing to change?” It’s hard to change old habits–for this food addict–it’s a fight every day to make right decisions, but it’s only for the best–and you feel so much better about yourself when you do make the right decisions and stick to them.  Today, my husband was devouring into his leftover slices of pepperoni pizza, and the smell was so intoxicating!  I wanted one soooo bad!  I stuck to my guns!  Can’t have that shit…. Hope I …

Fab Five Friday Food Share

For this Fab Five Friday’s Food Share, here are 5 tips that helped me and hopefully they can help you too! 1) Do a Drive-By Instead of a Drive-Thru – I get it!–You are craving Wendy’s Biggie French Fries or that Chic-Fil-A Sandwich or maybe it’s that Taco Bell fix that sounds soooo good but leaves you feeling gross afterwards or the #2 Whataburger combo meal.  Fast food is almost at every corner in Houston it seems like!  I used to crave a Beef Meximelt, Nachos Supreme, and Beef Crunchy taco for my SNACK.  These spontaneous food moments feel so good at the moment and seems like a great idea–but then the regret always settles in and you kinda feel gross–kinda like a one night stand!  Well–from what I’ve heard 😉 but you get the drift.  And ummm, that Taco Bell trifecta added up to like 1,180 calories!  (calculated via MyFitnessPal)  So–just keep on driving and do not run for the border! You don’t need those extra fast food calories on you! 2) No More Juicin’– I used to drink apple …

Week 14 Weigh In and My New Kicks!

Hey Y’all! (this is how we talk in Texas) So excited to share I FINALLY broke under 160! Hallelujah!  I am officially at 159.0!  As a motivator several weeks ago, I told myself if I broke under 160, I could get a new pair of tennis shoes…and voila–here they are courtesy of Nike (haven’t worn Nike’s in two years).  These shoes will help take me to another level in the next months to come! I feel such a great sense of accomplishment, and I will not surrender.  I’m feeling stronger, more confident, and sexier!  To all those who struggle out there, DON’T GIVE UP!  You are worthy–damn it–and don’t let anyone or even yourself tell you that you can’t do this.  You have the inner strength to do anything you set your mind to.  Find people who support you, and stick with them.  Positivity breeds hope, strength, and happiness.  Along the way, I’ve found the passion to live again–I mean really live–to live with purpose and to appreciate each day with gratitude and hope. #shoesareagirlsbestfriend #dowhatevermotivatesyou …

Week 13 Weigh In and Goodbye 160s

Hello! I’m a brand new person! How about a before and 13 week after pic? This is after 14 pounds of weight loss:   Week 14 Begins today, and this will be the last week to be weighing in my 160s.  This morning I weighed in at 161.6–which is .8 lbs more than last week. After celebrating my birthday for almost a week, it’s time to get on a tight schedule and kick ass this week.  Just with the progress I’ve made, I feel so invigorated, uplifted, motivated, appreciated, and happier.  I don’t ever want to go back to my old self where I was sorta living.  That’s probably why this birthday was the best ever–I celebrated with a family dinner, friend dinner, spinning with friends, and a romantic date dinner.   While all these events were truly special, I believe the best gift I received was the gift I gave myself—the gift of believing in myself again. Here are some pics of my birthday celebrations:        

Week 12 Weigh In – A Woman on the Grow

  At the end of week 12, I’m proud to check in at 160.8!  (Sigh)…I was hoping to get a little under, but I’m pretty happy with where I’ve come in these last several months.  In total-I’ve lost 14 pounds in 12 weeks!  Every week, my diet gets tweaked, and I feel stronger, more confident and disciplined in the decisions I have made.  I still have to fight my instinct to indulge, but it gets easier and easier to stick to my diet.  My cardio regiment has been consistent, and 6 times a week, I sweat my ass off!  I love sweating!  Since February 24th of this year, it’s been a challenging road as I’m learning to eat healthy for the very first time, and that comes with breaking some deep comforts/bad habits I’ve had my entire life.  When I look back to the woman I was earlier this year, and last year, I see a different person.  In a nutshell, that girl wanted to change, but didn’t have the heart to change.  On Thursday, for my 38th birthday, …